• Use speech bubbles to make Actors have a conversation
  • Use speech bubbles and delays to convey meaning and emotion
  • Create a comic-book style conversation between characters

  • Speech bubble: A shape with words, usually next to the head of an Actor, containing the Actor's speech or thoughts
  • Caption: A rectangle at the top of the Stage that contains a short explanation or description of an image

  • Tynker 201: Storytelling - Let’s be silly! In this lesson, students will create funny animated stories and jokes! Additionally, students will program Actors to talk using speech bubbles and will use wait blocks to time their dialogue. Due by the end of class.

  • Tynker Project Create Your Own Animated Story - Due the end of class Thursday 8/29.


You will create a story featuring two characters or two animals. You can choose to present it in a comic strip style or as a simple animation using speech bubbles. Follow the steps below to help you complete your assignment successfully!


Step 1: Choose Your Characters or Animals

  • Think about two characters or two animals you would like to use in your story.
  • Write down their names and a brief description of each one. Consider their personalities and how they might interact.

Step 2: Decide on a Setting

  • Where does your story take place? It could be a park, a jungle, a school, or anywhere you can imagine!
  • Write a few sentences describing the setting.

Step 3: Create a Plot

  • What happens in your story? Think about a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Write a short outline of your plot. Include:
    • Beginning: How do the characters meet?
    • Middle: What conflict or problem do they face?
    • End: How do they resolve the conflict?

Step 4: Write the Dialogue

  • Write the conversations between your characters. This will go in the speech bubbles.
  • Make sure to include emotions in their dialogue. How do they feel? Happy, sad, angry, surprised?

Step 5: Plan Your Comic Strip or Animation

  • Decide if you want to create a comic strip or an animation.
  • If you choose a comic strip, sketch out how many panels you will need and what will happen in each panel.
  • If you choose animation, think about how you will show movement and timing between the speech bubbles.

Step 6: Create Your Comic Strip or Animation

  • Using the sketches from Step 5, start creating your comic strip or animation.
  • If you’re doing a comic strip, draw or use a template for your panels and add the dialogue in speech bubbles. Make sure your timing is correct
  • For your animation, use simple coding and the Tynker library and actors to bring your story to life.

Step 7: Review and Edit

  • After you finish your comic strip or animation, review your work.
  • Check for spelling and grammar mistakes in your dialogue.
  • Make sure the story flows well and is easy to understand.

Step 8: Share Your Story

  • Be prepared to share your story with the class.
  • Think about what you want to say about your characters and the story you created.


  • Use colorful drawings or images to make your story engaging.
  • Don’t forget to have fun and let your imagination guide you!


Take it one step at a time, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you get stuck on any part of your assignment. Good luck!