• Use HTML to link between web pages.
  • Use Python commands to solve puzzle modules

  • Python: Python is a programming language that is widely used in web development, game development, and scientific research. Python is known for being highly readable and uncluttered, using whitespace indentation instead of curly braces or keywords. Because the Python language is meant to be relatively syntactically simple, Python developers use the invented adjective "pythonic" to describe code that is highly readable and written in a way that shows fluency with Python idioms.
  • Syntax: Syntax is the set of rules that govern how a language is structured. All languages have a syntax. In English, sentences have a syntax that may involve subjects, verbs, and objects. Python syntax is a set of rules that define what correctly formatted code looks like. But if you write a sentence in English with incorrect syntax, someone still might understand what you’re saying. If you write a line of code in Python with incorrect syntax, your program won’t run!
  • Command: A command is an instruction that you give the computer. For these puzzles, students will use commands like "forward()" and "turn_left()" to communicate with the puzzle. The commands that students use to solve puzzles are function calls.
  • snake_case: snake_case is a naming convention in Python and other languages. Variable and function names (identifiers) cannot have spaces in them, so if you have a variable that keeps track of player scores, you could name it "player_scores" to conform to snake_case conventions.
  • Identifier: Whenever you declare a function, variable, or data structure, you need to give it a unique name that you can refer to later. This unique name is an identifier. There are certain rules governing how you can name an identifier. For example, identifiers cannot be reserved words (such as "if"), they must begin with a letter or underscore, and they cannot contain certain symbols like exclamation marks, hyphens, periods, or commas.
  • Comment: If you use certain symbols in your code (such as "#"), these communicate to the computer that anything after them should be ignored when it compiles your program. This allows you to document your code by adding comments, which will help you debug your work and help other people understand what your code does. Comments in Python have the following syntax:
  • Code.org Lesson 19: Linking Pages - Students begin the lesson by looking online for the first web page and discussing how its use of links was what started the web. They then transition to Web Lab where they learn how to make their own links, as well as good conventions that make it easier for users to navigate on a page. Finally, they reflect on their group project and what their personal goals are for the final stretch.

Question of the Day: How can we combine several different web pages into one website?

  • Tynker Python 101: The Basics - Introduction to Python coding. Due by end of next class.

forward() Move the character one step forward.
turn_right() Turn the character to the right.
fire() Launch an arrow that moves 5 blocks in the direction the character is facing.
turn_left() Turn the character to the left.
jump() Make the character jump over a gap and land on the other side.