• Use code blocks to detect when an Actor is touching a certain color, another Actor, or the edges of the Stage
  • Create a sketching game

  • Tynker 202: Detecting Colors - In this lesson, you will learn how to detect when an Actor is touching a certain color, another Actor, or the edges of the Stage. Additionally, you will create a car sketching game! Due by end of next class.

  • Tron Game Plan - Reflect back on what you have been learning and what you viewed in Tron. Create a game based on the actors and action sequences in the movie and the Tynker assignments. Follow the format below and create a document that has each of these parts of your plan explained in detail. Organize your plan like below. Be sure to use the same section titles and include the information for each section, IN DETAIL. Some examples have been provided in the template. Due at the end of next class, in Jupiter.

Describe your game:
What does it do? What does it look like? How do you actually play it? What will make it fun, interesting, or relevant to the player? What is the story?

Draw your game:
Make a quick sketch. Include the background, actors, obstacles, borders, etc. Label the different parts you draw to make your mock up clear.

List your actors in a table and how they will move and how they are controlled and interact with other actors and parts of the game.

Name and Appearance of Actor
At start of game actor action/location
User Interaction, Interaction with other actors, Interaction with obstacles and boundaries
Player- racer bike
x:0, y:25 Velocity 5
User controls with arrow keys, touching villain character or line ends game/explodes, bounces of obstacles and screen edge.

Tynker Blocks:
What are the important blocks you will need to include from the lessons for the following key requirements? Make a list of the Tynker Blocks/Functions needed.
  • use of pen drawing
  • changing size to create effects like jumping
  • detecting colors
  • avoiding obstacles
  • clear rules on the game play and object of the game

EXAMPLE: set linear velocity, pen up, pen down, touching color, set pen color, set size to, etc