• Determine which information in a computing problem should be stored for later use.
  • Identify guidelines regarding what information should and should not be stored as part of the computing process.
  • Use the input-output-storage-processing model to describe a computing process.
  • Apply conditional logic to create an interactive quiz game
  • Use conditional statements ("if", "if-else")

  • storage - saving information to use in the future
  • Condition: A logical expression that evaluates to true or false
  • Conditional statement: A type of statement that executes different parts of the code based on whether a logical expression evaluates to true or false.

  • Code.org Lesson 7 Storage - students look at types of input that may be needed to solve a particular problem and describe the processing and storage that a computer would do to produce the desired output. This should prepare them to eventually design their own app to address a problem and explain how that app would work.
Activity Guide Go to lesson 7 in Code.org and use the sample apps in the lesson to answer the questions in the activity guide. Due in Jupitergrades by end of class today.
Download PDF

  • Tynker 201: Guessing Game - Let's play a game! In this lesson, students will create an interactive quiz, use the "ask" block for user input, and use the "if-then-else" block to check the answer. Due at the end of class.