• Identify a computer as a machine that works with information
  • Reason about whether particular objects are or are not computers.
  • Choose problems that can be solved with computing and justify those choices.

  • Code.org Lesson 4 What is a Computer?- This lesson builds on the problem solving theme of the earlier lessons and focuses on the specifics of how computing is used in problem solving. In this lesson, students will consider different types of computers and that these computers use information as part of the problem solving process. Upcoming lessons will dive much deeper into what an information problem looks like and how computers solve these problems.

  1. respond to this question about the image above. This picture shows one of the world's first computers, and two of the world's first computer programmers. What are three ways this computer is different from computers that we use today? What are two ways that it is the same? What is one thing you think is true of ALL computers?

  1. Computer or Not Activity-Open this link and make a copy of the slides in your Google Drive (the link is "view only" you will need to make a copy/see directions at bottom of this page). Sort out what you believe is a computer and what isn’t. Answer the questions on the second slide of what you believe are and aren’t characteristics of a computer.

In the modern day we use computers almost constantly. What kinds of problems do computers help you solve? How do they help you do this?

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