• Use Pen commands to create a jumping game
  • Use code blocks to change the size of Actors
  • Tynker 202: Changing Actor Size - In this lesson, you will use Pen commands to create a line jumping game between two racers and will learn how to make an Actor bigger or smaller! Due by the end class.

Think about video or computer games where a character or object changes its size. For example, perhaps an object increases in size during a boss scene, or maybe an object increases in size as it gets closer to a character. What other scenarios can your students think of where a character or object in a video or computer game changes its size?

  • Tynker Earth Science: Earth's Composition - In this lesson, students will explore an interactive project to learn the names and different layers of Earth's composition. Next, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial in the DIY (do-it-yourself) module to create their own version of the project they just explored! Activities include customizing the background and Actors; inserting labels and facts for different sections of Earth's composition; and applying a ghost effect. "Step 5" of the tutorial includes a bonus section, which encourages students to apply concepts from this lesson and add labels to Earth's cross sections (e.g., geosphere).