• Demonstrate an understanding of Hand Tracking blocks
  • Explore sound blocks and the Sound library
  • Use message code blocks to program a DJ set
  • Use code blocks to create 2 projects that use hand detecting AI

  • Tynker AI: Hand Tracking - Now it's time to get artsy! In this lesson, students will expand their knowledge of AI by using Hand Detection blocks to create artistic, interactive projects! The first project is titled Splatter Paint. They'll create a colorful work of art as they use hand gestures to make it look like paint is splatting onto their screen each time they flick their fingers. The second project is titled DJ Set. In this musical project, students will follow a tutorial to learn how to mix up sounds and music using hand tracking. Due by the end of class.
  • Tynker Weekly Projects: Spiraling Shapes
  • Multi-page Website - THIS IS NOT PAIRED PROGRAMMING! If you pair program you will get partial credit. Using the project guide, the team works individually to code all of the pages, then each member puts all of the work together into a single site in their account. Final Website due by end class Wed (p3) or Thurs (p4&6).

Question of the Day: What skills and practices will help us work together to make a great website?