• Select the inputs and outputs used to perform common computing tasks
  • Explain the role that input and output take when computers are used to solve information problems.
  • Define processing as the work done (possibly by a computer) to turn an input into an output
  • Identify several common types of processing used in computing.
  • Determine which types of processing are appropriate for a particular computing problem.

  • Input - the information computers get from users, devices, or other computers
  • Output - the information computers give to users, devices, or other computers
  • Processing - The thinking work computers do to turn input into output

  • Code.org Lesson 5: Input and Output - Question of the Day: How do computers use input and output to get and give the information that they need to solve problems?

In the previous lesson you began brainstorming features that can help classify devices as a computer. This lesson introduces input and output as one of these features and has you identify different methods of input or output in common apps. You will download and complete the Input Output Activity Guide Below. Due by the end of class today in Jupiter.

Prompt: Imagine that you are going to recommend a pet to someone. What are three questions you would ask them to help make that recommendation?

You will need to go to this lesson in Code.org to complete this assignment. That is where the Pet Chooser and Story Creator Apps are located.
Input Output Activity guide. Download Here —>
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Copy of Today’s Presentation —>
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  • Code.org Lesson 6: Processing - This lesson introduces students to four common types of processing: if/then (conditionals), finding a match (searching), counting, and comparing. Students should understand that processing is whatever a computer does to turn inputs to outputs, and that there are many different ways for computers to do this work.
  • Condition: A logical expression that evaluates to true or false
  • Conditional statement: A type of statement that executes different parts of the code based on whether a logical expression evaluates to true or false.

Activity Guide Download here
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Classroom slides for todays lesson
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